Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I just had to sit down and tell everybody what is going on in my house right now!! I decided that I needed to ignore my children for just a few min and get about 5 min to check the computer. As I am sitting here my three year old is throwing toys at my six month old baby!!! (and yes she is actually hitting him.) The funny thing is they are both laughing. Who knew that having toys chucked at your head by a three year old would be so funny. In my past experiences with that......It was not funny!!


Teri said...

Connor does that to Jackson all of the time and the baby thinks it's funny. I worry about it, but I guess they like it. Boys!

Amy said...

That's when we get the biggest laughs from Dallin too. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Like father like daughter. That was Jacob and Cally exactly. I wonder what else she will do just like her daddy as she gets older. I love to watch her stretch out and run like her daddy, but it's the greatest when she teaches every one else how to stretch out.

Fiddlefish said...

Watch out Kate! Soon Tagg will be chuckin' toys right back at ya!


Contact: Ashley Mills said...

Is this my long lost roommate Lindsey!! This is Ashley! I found you through Anna's Blog! I am SO happy to see that you have a blog so we can get back in touch!!! Hope all is well with you. Your kids are adorable!!

Amy Jones said...

That was a great post! Sometimes I think we forget that the ordinary stuff will be precious memories when we get older. Love it.