So yesterday I was just working away cleaning a little, doing my quilt a little and not paying attention to much of anything. My little sister and Kate were upstairs making something for dinner. I had put a chair at the top of the stairs so Tagg would not fall down the stairs anymore, but we were downstairs so I did not worry about it. Tagg was yelling and banging his hands on the wall and I turned around to talk to him and he is sitting on the top stair banging and playing with the chair. He had climbed all the way up the stairs!!! So I got him down and then put the chair at the bottom of the stairs and no more than 5 min later he was up and over the chair and half way up the stairs! I think I will have a climber on my hands. I took pictures but can't find the cord to put them on my computer so I will keep looking and post some pics when I find it.
Springtime 2017
7 years ago
Oh its only the beginning of the things they will learn to climb. I've learned to just turn my head and pray they make it up okay! And pray harder they make it down with out a hospital visit. So far so good only one emergency room visit and that was for Landen almost 2 years ago. Good luck!!
Sadly...yes it is always like this. This is just the beginning! :) P.S. maybe you should buy a gate!
We will have to keep a close on and Harvey and Tagg it sounds like they like to do the same things, I can just see them egging each other on and on or should I say up and up.
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