Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St Pattys day!!

Happy st. Patricks day!!! Today Kate had treats for her class so I made clover sugar cookies with green frosting and sprinkles and then had green milk. The kids thought it was great!!! Kate really loved bringing the green milk to school!! Everyone looked so cute in there green outfits. Kate even let me pull up her hair and put cute green ribbons in it!!

Kitrie, the cute little girl I watch!!
Kate, Tagg and Kitrie
Kate and Kitrie


S Leetham Family said...

And she took the ribbons out as soon as she got home....right? I love you guys and it was fun to see a new pic of the kids.

Flint said...

Green Milk must have been a hit with all those kids. You did good!

Amy Jones said...

I just got REALLY confused when I saw a picture of three kids. I couldn't figure out how I'd missed it!

I'm good now...I just need to read a little more carefully. :)

Fab 3 said...

Your kids are so cute. we did not get into st. p day too much. Tag looks so much like his dad... We miss you guys.

Laura said...

Hey Lindsay! I have a wierd question for ya... Were you at the Salt Lake airport on Friday the 26th? I could've sworn I saw you! Hope all is well for you guys!

Shelley said...

Linds I miss you! It looks like your little family is getting bigger and having fun! That little girl you get to watch is also a doll. What fun WY friends!